Ending The Hustle with Ash from Hustle Healing Co.



For July 2022, we are discussing Ease and Celebration - so I asked Ash from Healing Hustle Co. to share about how support leaders in releasing the hustle and how we can end the hustle personally so that we can have a huge impact in our industries.

For those of us who are neurodivergent, Ash included, rest and ease is especially important so we can keep our brains running at their best.

Ash has such contagious energy and I’m so excited to share her interview with you today!

Here’s the interview:

Tell us about what your business does:

I help passionate women to reclaim their energy and deepen their self trust so they can heal from hustle for good.

What's happening in your business that you're excited about?

SO MANY THINGS!! I most excited about a new 1:1 self-trust assessment I'm doing. It's basically a facilitated 1 hour conversation with your subconscious (what she's been trying to tell you and what your next steps need to be).

What brings you delight personally?

An open afternoon, good incense, an ice cold Lemonicello La Croix and a blank journal. I love having open calendar space to myself. I'm also equally delighted by new tarot decks!

What do you find delightful about what you do?

I love going DEEP with people to connect practical wisdom and applied woo! The amount of growth I've witnessed in people that have the courage to face their shadows and embrace their innermost Self is PROFOUND. It's a delight to watch their evolution of intuition and self-trust.

What do you want most people to know about ending the hustle?

I want people to know that it starts with YOU. YOU reading this. You have to make a personal, maybe even painful choice, to not accept it anymore and actively build a life and business without. Some people won't get it. That's okay. But if YOUR journey can inspire just 2 others, that's how we get momentum to end the EXPECTATION of hustle FOR GOOD!!

Image of happy turtles slowly following each other in a line while one turtle looks overwhelmed on roller skates and is going way to fast ahead of them

What are you most proud of in your business?

I'm most proud of how my business is representative of ME. It's taken me a long time to find my comfy spot professionally, but I've thoroughly settled into the fact that my best business plan includes me just being myself. That's been so healing. I'm proud of that.

What is your favorite way to celebrate accomplishments?

Tell all my friends and allow them to hype me up!!! I used to be so bad at celebrating but in my healing I've forged the most soulful, beautiful friendships. Allowing myself to open up to them and be witnessed in my own growth and milestones is huge. It feels so good!!!

Do you have any special ways you add delight to your client experience?

Lots of video walkthroughs and breaking down the steps!! I use Loom with captions at every step so people don't have to guess AND they get that human touch.

How do you make/find ease when you need it?

Two things: I take a 10 min break and do NOTHING and I always ask myself "am I making this hard? How could this be easier?" -- whenever I'm craving more ease. 10 mins is something I can always find, no matter what is going on, and 10 mins is juuust enough to let me feel my feels and pull me out of a loop.



If you want to chat more with Ash about this article you can connect with here on Instagram at:


And you can get more goodies in her email list. Sign up here: https://go.healinghustle.co/burnout

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